Name               : Shankar Das

Experience        : 18+ Years of Industry

Trainee Details   :

** An ardent academician, trainer and consultant with proven proficiency in the fields of IT focusing on AI/Machine Learning, Data Science, Business Analytics and Cyber Security.
** Overseas experience in university-level post-graduate teaching and guidance.
** Working with pure play analytics vendors as AI/ Machine Learning, Data Science and Cyber Security Trainer and Consultant.
** Carried out a number of IT projects based on Machine Learning, Data Science, Cyber Security and Cloud Computing.

Course Timings  :

Course Duration :

work work work work work work work work work work

What you learn in Artificial Intelligence Course?

  • Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
  • What is Artificial Intelligence?
    Why do we need to study AI?
    Applications of AI
    Branches of AI
    Defining intelligence using Turing Test
    Making machines think like humans
    Building rational agents
    General Problem Solver
    Building an intelligent agent
    Installing Python 3
    Installing packages
    Loading data

  • Introduction to Machine Learning
  • Why Machine Learning?
    Problems Machine Learning Can Solve
    Types of Machine Learning
    Why Python?
    Installing scikit-learn
    Essential Libraries and Tools
    Jupyter Notebook
    NumPy, SciPy, matplotlib, pandas
    Python 2 Versus Python 3
    Meet the Data

  • Classification and Regression using Supervised Learning
  • Supervised versus unsupervised learning
    What is classification?
    Preprocessing data
    Label encoding
    Logistic Regression classifier
    Naïve Bayes classifier
    Confusion matrix
    Support Vector Machines
    What is Regression?
    Building a single variable regressor
    Building a multivariable regressor

  • Predictive Analytics with Ensemble learning
  • What is Ensemble Learning?
    What are Random Forests and Extremely Random Forests?
    Dealing with class imbalance
    Finding optimal training parameters using grid search
    Computing relative feature importance
    Predicting traffic using Extremely Random Forest regressor

  • Detective Patterns with Unsupervised Learning
  • What is unsupervised learning?
    Clustering data with K-Means algorithm
    Estimating the number of clusters with Mean Shift algorithm
    Estimating the quality of clustering with silhouette scores
    What are Gaussian Mixture Models?
    Building a classifier based on Gaussian Mixture Models
    Finding subgroups in stock market using Affinity Propagation model
    Segmenting the market based on shopping patterns

  • Building Recommender Systems
  • Creating a training pipeline
    Extracting the nearest neighbors
    Building a K-Nearest Neighbors classifier
    Computing similarity scores
    Finding similar users using collaborative filtering
    Building a movie recommendation system

  • Logic Programming
  • What is logic programming?
    Understanding the building blocks of logic programming
    Solving problems using logic programming
    Installing Python packages
    Matching mathematical expressions
    Validating primes
    Analyzing geography
    Parsing a family tree
    Building a puzzle solver

  • Heuristic Search Techniques
  • What is heuristic search?
    Constraint Satisfaction Problems
    Local search techniques
    Constructing a string using greedy search
    Solving a problem with constraints
    Solving the region-coloring problem
    Building an 8-puzzle solver
    Building a maze solver

  • Genetic Algorithms
  • Understanding evolutionary and genetic algorithms
    Fundamental concepts in genetic algorithms
    Generating a bit pattern with predefined parameters
    Visualizing the evolution
    Solving the symbol regression problem
    Building an intelligent robot controller

  • Building games with Artificial Intelligence
  • Using search algorithms in games
    Combinatorial search
    Minimax algorithm
    Alpha-Beta pruning
    Negamax algorithm
    Installing easyAI library
    Building a bot to play Last Coin Standing
    Building a bot to play Tic-Tac-Toe
    Building two bots to play Connect Four™ against each other
    Building two bots to play Hexapawn against each other

  • Natural Language Processing
  • Introduction and installation of packages
    Tokenizing text data
    Converting words to their base forms using stemming
    Converting words to their base forms using lemmatization
    Dividing text data into chunks
    Extracting the frequency of terms using a Bag of Words model
    Building a category predictor
    Constructing a gender identifier
    Building a sentiment analyzer
    Topic modeling using Latent Dirichlet Allocation

  • Probabilistic Reasoning for Sequential Data
  • Understanding sequential data
    Handling time-series data with Pandas
    Slicing time-series data
    Operating on time-series data
    Extracting statistics from time-series data
    Generating data using Hidden Markov Models
    Identifying alphabet sequences with Conditional Random Fields
    Stock market analysis

  • Building a Speech Recognizer
  • Working with speech signals
    Visualizing audio signals
    Transforming audio signals to the frequency domain
    Generating audio signals
    Synthesizing tones to generate music
    Extracting speech features
    Recognizing spoken words

  • Object Detecting and Tracking
  • Installing OpenCV
    Frame differencing
    Tracking objects using colorspaces
    Object tracking using background subtraction
    Building an interactive object tracker using the CAMShift algorithm
    Optical flow based tracking
    Face detection and tracking
    Eve detection and tracking

  • Artificial Neural Networks
  • Introduction to artificial neural networks
    Building a Perceptron based classifier
    Constructing a single layer neural network
    Constructing a multilayer neural network
    Building a vector quantizer
    Analyzing sequential data using recurrent neural networks
    Visualizing characters in an Optical Character Recognition database
    Building an Optical Character Recognition engine

  • Re-Inforcement Learning
  • Understanding the premise
    Reinforcement learning versus supervised learning
    Real world examples of reinforcement learning
    Building blocks of reinforcement learning
    Creating an environment
    Building a learning agent

  • Deep Learning with Convolutional Neural Networks
  • What are Convolutional Neural Networks?
    Architecture of CNNs
    Types of layers in a CNN
    Building a perceptron-based linear regressor
    Building an image classifier using a single layer neural network
    Building an image classifier using a Convolutional Neural Network